Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Al Jazeera για Φύσσα

The murder of Greek rapper Killah P, allegedly by a member of Golden Dawn, has once again focused the spotlight on the right wing Greek nationalist party. Amid repeated austerity cuts, high youth unemployment and a lack of economic progress, many Greeks looked to the group for change by voting it into parliament in 2012. This, despite their extreme politics and reported vio lence against immigrants, Jews, homosexuals and opposition politicians. Critics are now demanding the party be banned from government and labeled a "criminal gang". So will Greeks still turn to #GoldenDawn? Like, share, and leave your thoughts below for the conversation at 1930GMT. Read more:
Φωτογραφία: The murder of Greek rapper Killah P, allegedly by a member of Golden Dawn, has once again focused the spotlight on the rig   ht wing Greek nationalist party.  Amid repeated austerity cuts, high youth unemployment and a lack of economic progress, many Greeks looked to the group for change by voting it into parliament in 2012. This, despite their extreme politics and reported violence against immigrants, Jews, homosexuals and opposition politicians. Critics are now demanding the party be banned from government and labeled a "criminal gang". So will Greeks still turn to #GoldenDawn? Like, share, and leave your thoughts below for the conversation at 1930GMT. Read more: #Greece


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